Sunday, October 3, 2010

Introducing Peter

Peter was born having Down syndrome. This means that he has an extra 21st chromosome. 50% of people born with Down syndrome are born with heart defects. Peter does have a heart defect. His defect is a pretty serious condition and he should have had surgery by now. Because he hasn't had open heart surgery, he has now been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. He needs a family NOW. Peter needs out of that crib! He needs a mother and a father who will take care of him and and bring him to a cardiologist. If he isn't adopted by the age of 4, he will be transferred to an adult mental institution that he can no longer be adopted from. Peter will not survive the instution. 80% of BABIES transferred die within the first year. Please save Peter from that fate. You can help Peter by spreading the word, sharing this blog on your facebook, email, and most importantly by donating to his grant fund. We will have several fundraisers for him in the next coming months.

Peter is listed with

Here is the information that is on Peter's profile there.

Peter (16)

Boy, Born February 20, 2007

New picture from July 2010

Peter is a darling little boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He has so much to bring to a family, but he was born with multiple challenges in addition to his Down syndrome. From his medical records: severe delay of stato-motor development, congenital heart disease(ventricular septal defect with high degree of pulmonary hypertension), condition after closing of patent ductus arteriosus and coning of pulmonary artery, retinal angiopathy, farsightedness, nystagmus

Peter needs a family right away, so his medical complications can be addressed by US physicians, and he can finally begin to live life as he should! Please give Peter this opportunity!!

I have $285 in my grant fund towards the cost of my adoption!

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